Friday, September 16, 2011

U.S heath problems.

 I think the U.S is fullly aware of the health in the U.S, it s not hard to miss how are health is. I do think the U.S can only do so much to let the people know that if they don't get their health back on track then they are going to have bad and dangerous dieases, such as heart problems that could end up killing them. The U.S has tried to get schools better to get them to sell something other then fries in the high schools. The schools have been fullly aware of the health in the U.S and i feel like the P.E coaches in the schools care more then most of the U.S they try to get kids back in shape so they can have a healthy long living life and enjoy evey minute of it. Then again there are people who really just dont care if they have health problems, and even if they get told my the doctors that they need to change their eating ways or they will die, they dont change anything about it. Its pretty sad when you know that the U.S is the most unhealthy country in the world. We need to think about our future. If we keep this going and the way our health is, pretty soon the whole U.S country will be so unhealthy and its going to be extra hard to get everybody eating right and knowing the consequences. Rather then start little and eventually influence the whole U.S.

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